Watch our round up video here - ATHYCG 2023 Video
Hertfordshire Growth Hub’s flagship ‘All The Help You Can Get’ Business Support Show took place on Wednesday 6th December 2023, taking a festive approach, we unwrapped the strength of the county’s business support network. Aimed at those looking to start, grow or scale their business in Hertfordshire, the event gave businesses the chance to gain actionable advice, discover opportunities and connect with the wealth of support available locally and nationally.
We thought that it would be very fitting to sign off our 2023 with an ‘All The Help You Can Get’ Business Support Show to showcase some amazing success stories and look ahead to 2024. We have listened to the businesses in Hertfordshire, to help structure the tailored workshops so that they are relevant to reflect the needs and wants of our county. It is also the 10-year anniversary of Better Business For All “BBfA”, a programme that brings together businesses and regulators in local partnerships to identify the issues facing local businesses and provide support to them, and our event was a great opportunity to celebrate a successful decade for the programme.
The opening address
The show was kicked off by our Hertfordshire Growth Hub Head of Service, Liza Armstrong:
“Thank you to all our partners, providers of funded business advice and support, that are here today. Thank you also to the wonderful Growth Hub team who have pulled out all the stops with the preparation for today and with special thanks to Matt Clark our Partnership and Events Manager”
Liza then introduced Adrian Hawkins OBE, Chair of Hertfordshire LEP, and Chair of the LEP’s Skills & Employment Board, who officially opened the event:
“The theme of today’s event is ‘Grow Yourself, Grow Your Team and Grow Your Business’. The fact that you have all voluntarily chosen to spend your day here means you’re off to a great start! I hope you will leave here feeling inspired to take the plunge and turn your business growth ambitions into reality.”
Adrian then introduced Peter Taylor, Mayor of Watford, who celebrated the 10-year anniversary of Better Business for All.
“Hertfordshire possesses distinct geographical, cultural, and historical advantages when it comes to its thriving economy. Particular strengths are the county’s proximity to London, excellent communications links, a highly skilled workforce, a strong entrepreneurial culture with high levels of business creation and established and world-renowned clusters of industry sectors in the county. I’m proud to say that Watford Borough Council were a founding member of the BBfA partnership and helped lead the way for BBfA Hertfordshire to become one of the largest and most successful partnerships in the country.”
Our Fireside Chat
Delegates also had the opportunity to hear from a panel of business owners and leaders on the theme ‘Grow Yourself, Grow Your Team, Grow Your Business’, moderated by Laura Wheatley, Managing Partner of Hertfordshire-based business growth consultancy practice, Infusion Group.
The Fireside Chat panel
We were joined by Lynne and Joe who spoke about opportunities for businesses in the county, as well as three inspirational business leaders who had previously been supported by the Growth Hub; Nick, Alison and Martin.
Nick Silverstone – Managing Director, Wagada Digital
Lynne Stevens – Associate Dean, Entrepreneurship, Employability & Professional Development, Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire.
Allison Alexander – Director, Branue
Martyn Niman – Director, King Bee Animation
Joe Tyler – Trading Standards Officer, Hertfordshire County Council
Breakout sessions
Once the Fireside Chat had come to a close, delegates had the opportunity to attend a range of our workshops to finish the morning and start off the afternoon. The topic areas ranged from Leadership and Management to AI in Marketing and all fed into the theme ‘Grow Yourself, Grow Your Team, Grow Your Business’. We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who held a workshop on the day, these were very well attended and received.
Grow Yourself
Grow Your Team
Grow Your Business
Over 15 organisations joined us on the day to exhibit, providing opportunities for networking with organisations including Suffolk Chamber Sizewell C Supply Chain, Wenta, Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, University of Hertfordshire, Visit Herts, Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Step2Skills, STANTA, Herts Healthy Workplaces, Hertfordshire Libraries, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Innovate UK EDGE, Better Business for All, Estu, Money and Pensions Service and The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre.
Join us next year
For those who missed out please keep your eyes peeled for future events with which we are hosting and partnering on. ‘All The Help You Can Get Business Support Show’ will return even bigger and better in 2024.
Matt Clark, Partnership and Events Manager at Hertfordshire Growth Hub said:
“I extend my thanks to all the partners who exhibited and those who delivered workshops on the day and to the business owners for attending the show and helping to make it a tremendous success”.
Get in touch for support
Speak to the Hertfordshire Growth Hub’s team of experienced Business Advisers who can answer questions, make introductions, and find the answers you need.
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Telephone: 01707 952777
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